Tax Day Countdown

This is your reminder countdown to Tax Day! Your personal tax return is due in about one month or less.  It’s NOT too late to have a CPA file your personal taxes. In cases where one or both can’t be filed in time, you can get an extension and file later.

As you are considering what to do, if you have not filed already, don’t rush through doing your own taxes. You will likely save money by having a professional like a Certified Public Accountant prepare your paperwork and filing electronically or sending it by mail BUT DO NOT DELAY!

There is a difference between having all your receipts collected in a shoe box and filing the most advantageous tax return. Your maximized return will include all allowable deductions. That way you can get the heftiest refund or pay the lowest taxes. Using a professional for taxes is a wise decision. You can use your time more productively because even with software, you may miss significant deductions you can take or mistakenly record those you are not entitled to take. In either case, it can lead to pricey errors which may cost you time and money later. Call Rink & Robinson, PLLC for all of your  tax questions.  828-322-5813